The Stayton of Mind

A deeply spiritual experience

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Brussels was a much more modern city than I had originally anticipated and VERY cold. But we had tons of fun wandering the streets and seeing the sights. One of the "must sees" in Brussels is a statue called Mannequin Pis and it is basically a statue of a little boy peeing. I guess once upon a time the king lost his son in a crowd and vowed that where ever he was found they would erect a statue of the child doing whatever he was doing when he was found...well, he was peeing!

There were still holiday decorations up in the town square and Lindsay and I had a good time making faces in the HUGE silver balloons that were positioned throughout the marketplace...people must have thought we were crazy, but others thought it was fun cause we started a trend and before we knew it other peeps were acting just as silly and taking similar pics.

We also tried their famous waffles and chocolate. I was a much bigger fan of the waffles!!! And they sell them piping hot and covered in a sugar glaze right on the street - YUMMY!!!


  • At 8:43 AM, Blogger Johnny Mack said…

    I can't believe how long it took me to notice the nose ring.
    Looks very cool!


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