The Stayton of Mind

A deeply spiritual experience

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Home for the Holidays 2006

So, I made the trek back to WI for the holidays to see the family and friends. The first couple of days I was there I spent hand sewing a blanket for my sister. I took all of her old High School and Summer Camp T-shirts and sewed them onto a fleece blanket. She thought the shirts had been accidentally been given to Goodwill long ago and cried when she opened the box and saw the blanket (pics to follow shortly)

After I finished making the blanket, but before Christmas I drove up to Stevens Point to pick up and spend time with my little sister in her college house.

We ended up going out on the town for a bit and I even ran into one of my college friends, Andy Dan and my little sister in the sorority, Laura! And, although I felt a bit old being back in my old college stomping grounds, her friends made me feel quite young when they innocently asked who was older - YES!!!

After my Mom's exteneded family Christmas, my sister, cousin Melissa, and I met up with my friends Johnny, Bryan, Ashley, Paul, Stich, and many more at Paddys.

We then headed to Brothers where I met up with my friend Todd!

Finally, it was Christmas Eve and my Mom gave my sister and I a very touching present as well...when we were growing up we had a pine tree in our backyard that we named "the picture tree" It was in front of this tree that we took all of our first day of school pics, prom pics, etc. Well, when my Mom and stepdad moved out of the house a little over a year ago, the new owners decided to cut down the picture tree. My Mom happened to drive by the house shortly after this happened and asked to take some of the wood, which she then had made into decorative bowls for my sister and I! SUPER SWEET!!! (again, pics to follow!)

Christmas Day was spent with my Dad, which is always a treat. He surprised my sister and I with spa certificates, which I can't wait to use when I get home this summer=) Afterward I went to the Bosche in Hales Corners and engaged in a mini-Whitnall reunion. It was a blast to catch up with people I hadn't seen in YEARS!


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