The Stayton of Mind

A deeply spiritual experience

Monday, October 16, 2006

Shake and Jiggle It - Hawaii Style!

Alright, so as many of you have probably heard...there was an earthquake or two or eighty yesterday here in Hawaii. The first 2 were large enough to feel and shake things up quite a bit at 6.7 and 6.0, but the next 78 were smaller tremors. The U.S. Geological Survery says the first quake hit at 7:07am and began 12 miles under the ocean floor and the second minutes later and was 24 miles below Kiholo Bay off the Big Island. Although there was fear of a tsunami, the largest quake only generated a 4-inch tsunami! Thank goodness for all of us here on the Islands.

It is strange that at this time yesterday I was sitting in the dark playing cards with my roommates, not knowing when the power would come back on (having already been out for over 13 hours!) and yet, now, things here are pretty much back to normal!

I was actually running a 30K (over 18 miles) when the earthquakes hit - and believe it or not I didn't' even realize anything was so severely wrong until my roomie and I crossed the finish line...they were announcing that there was no power on the entire island and that the airport had been shut down due to the earthquakes...we were like WHAT? I think it was because we were on an open stretch of highway with monsoon wind and rain (it was blinding and pelting us and I swear I was carrying 10 pounds of water in each one of my shoes!) that we were unaware...we were bouncing and so was everything around us, including the earth!!!

Waikiki was a strange place to be yesterday...thousands of stranded tourists wandering around aimlessly and waiting in hour long lines to get bottles of water and some food. None of the restaurants were open cause they couldn't cook anything and the select few that were had gas stoves/grills and had HUGE lines (they ran out of food pretty quick)

The only noise was the constant loud hummmmmm of generators from all the hotels and the occasional siren or honking of a horn and someone ran through a non-functioning stoplight.

Once they began to bring up power block by block you could hear loud audible cheers of excitement...ours, of course, was one of the last blocks to get power and you better believe my roommates and I did our fair share of hollering out our window as well=) Then, an eerie hush fell over Waikiki as all the hotel generators were shut off...

Over all there really wasn't as much chaos and one would have thought. It was 13 hours of no power and randomness. I guess our island was hit the worst with power problems, etc. but the Big Island had the most damage to structures, etc. Honestly, I think there was more chaos this morning at Starbucks when people found out they couldn't get their Nonfat, Triple Shot, Double Pump Mocha Latte's with extra foam because there was no milk due to the lack of refridge capabilities the night before - thus, all drinks had to be made with soy - oh, the HORROR!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pics - they are courtesy of the Star Bulletin and Honolulu Advertiser as my pics are not yet ready for publication...they are in my roomies disposable camera!

Well, I am actually off to the Big Island this weekend to help out and check out the Kona Ironman so I will get to see where more of the actual visible damage occurred! Thanks to everyone who called, texted or emailed. Your messages and concern were greatly appreciated. Until my next epic adventure...


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