The Stayton of Mind

A deeply spiritual experience

Monday, April 20, 2009

West Coast - South Island


We started the day in Nelson and drove through Buller Gorge. While in the gorge we stopped at New Zealand's longest footbridge (suspension).

We took a walk through the "bush" to check out the area, which used to be a miner's camp.

We saw gold flecs in the sand of the river, saw a creepy old miners shaft and a miner's cabin.

When we left we headed down the coast, which was filled with sketchy, one lane bridges and tons of switchbacks. We stopped at the Kiwi National icon of Pancake Rocks. The wind adn seas have worn the rocks into thin layers that look like, well, pancakes!

(Doesn't that look like an old man's face?!?)

While we were there I saw a row of Harley's and started to talking to the guy in charge of keeping and eye on them. The girls were laughing at me because I said that I was "super excited" about the Harleys cause I am from Milwaukee, but I guess I said "super excited" like a little blonde valley girl!

On the way back out from seeing the Pancake Rocks all the bikers were sitting there and started chatting with us. They end up offering us rides, but I politely declined...I later found out from Liz that they are part of a drug gang called the Headhunters!

Once we were done with bikers and pancakes we headed to our resting place for the night...Hokitika. It is a little mining town on the beach with the mountains in the background. Most everything closed at 5:30pm, but Colleen and I managed to find a little restaurant right on the driftwood littered beach. There is so much driftwood that the town holds contests during the year to make sculptures out of all the woods!


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