The Stayton of Mind

A deeply spiritual experience

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

As most of your have probably heard it is still raining here. This is the 41st consecutive day of rain the island has had and the number of days and quantity of rain is breaking records...the island has not experienced weather like this since 1917! So much for Spring Break in paradise! Today was the worst I have seen it - the streets were literally rivers! Some water levels were up to your knees! I was walking home when the rain started and a bus driver was kind enough to pick me up even though I was not at a stop...thank goodness because the road I was going to walk home down was flooded up to the tops of the tires on the parked cars!!! I had never seen anything like it before and I wish I would have had my camera to share some of the images with all of you.

I have still been getting out despite the weather. In fact, I went running the other day in the rain and it felt GREAT! (I couldn't stand being cooped up in the gym anymore). The worst part however is that the beaches near my house are closed due to poor water conditions (sounds a bit like Lake Michigan and not the tropical waters of Hawaii!!!) So, that means no surfing=( The weather man says that there should be a break in the rain this week...

Despite all of my complaining, I can honestly say that I really I haven't minded--the rain has given me the opportunity to REALLY relax, which most of your know I don't often do, and reflect. It has been very personally cleansing.


  • At 1:15 PM, Blogger Johnny Mack said…

    I'm sure the H2O in the ocean there is cleaner than South Shore and all the seaguls.


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