The Stayton of Mind

A deeply spiritual experience

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Aloha Hawaii (at least for the summer)

I lived up the last couple of days in Hawaii the best I could without my sidekick roomie Colleen along! I took in as much of the island life as possible and made sure to make time for the 2 things I love best about Hawaii - scuba diving and surfing.

The bad news was that I popped a blood vessel in my eye while scuba diving for the last time in Hawaii, but the good news is that I got to chill next to a giant sea turtle in the hull of a sunken ship and that I got to play with an octopus!

I also made sure to make some time to surf with my Hawaiian Hemela LISHA!!! The waves weren't really the best, but we brought the water proof camera (quite a challenge!) out onto the water with us and clowned around a bit making sure to capture every last minute and baby wave possible.

And when it was finally time to paddle in I looked back and took one last look at the waves and the ocean that I would be leaving behind for the next 3 months. Aloha Hawaii!

Easter Sunday

So, I know this post is a little bit late, but it took me awhile to get my pictures! On this past Easter Sunday morning I rolled out of bed and walked down to Waikiki Beach for sunrise Easter service in what I had slept in! The service was very moving... So much so that I decided to (finally) be baptized!!!

Before the service officially began they told the story of how Christianity came to Hawaii and even re-enacted it with the boat out in the ocean and the blowing of the conch shell. Then we all began to sing praise. As we were singing I began thinking about how I had never been baptized and, honestly, no sooner had that thought crossed my mind than the song ended and the pastor began to speak about how they would be having baptisms after service! I then thought, "no, I can't, because I don't have a camera and I would want pictures." No sooner had that thought crossed my mind than the pastor said, "and we will be having someone there taking pictures of the blessed event!" I knew then that it was meant for me to be baptized. After service I called my Mom and sister and told them what I was about to do. They both cried and were so excited for me. I walked into the water I love, off the islands I love, and was submerged in the name of the God I love.