The Stayton of Mind

A deeply spiritual experience

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Home came to Hawaii

My friend Brent was gracious enough to offer me his extra ticket to the Badger vs. UH game at Aloha stadium the Friday after Thanksgiving!!! He remembered that I'm from Wisco and thought it would be a great way to bring home to me even though I couldn't be home for Thanksgiving and won't be there for Christmas and New Year's either! The game was a blow-out with the Badgers dominating throughout - although, the UH quarterback danced his way out of SO many sacks and even completed 3 passes during his fancy footwork! This picture is of us eating donuts...yes, that's right, at the football games here the vendors sell the traditional items like beer and hot dogs, but they also sell strange things like donuts and poke (raw, marinated fish). It is quite a site...the donuts were cheap, but not very your $!

Happy Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving was interesting this year not being with the family and the weather being warm (although it rained most of the day. Woke up and went surfing and then drove up to the North Shore with some friends from HPU. Ended up attending 2 with friends and the other at the home of a professor from HPU. Yet, somehow I missed dinner at both places. Left one before they ate and got to the other after everyone had eaten! Just my luck - good thing Thanksgiving food is not my favorite! Although I was looking forward to green bean casserole - LOL! After I missed the meals, we packed up and went to the beach where we played some football and surfed - I tried shortboarding in the North Shore surf (the smaller breaks of course!) I did fairly well all things considered! Later went home and crashed on the couch - I didn't really eat much turkey so I am going to blame the exhausion on either "turkey effect by association" or the double surf session! Either way - I was out of commission for the evening!

This pic isn't from Turkey Day, but rather the night before...we took my friend Jane (the cute asian girl in the front) out to see a local band. It was her first time in a bar and her first time really dancing. We had a blast showing her the ropes and how to move your hips to the music!

Me and Sophia

So, I know I have been really bad about posting info on the site lately - SORRY!!! So here is the update...I have been trying to surf as much as possible, but don't have any pics cause, well, where would I put a camera? LOL! I have also been busting my butt with school - thank goodness it is almost the end of the semester!!! I am really looking forward to my trip to Europe with my sister - I leave in 3 weeks and there is SO much to do before then!!! YIKES! I am going to freeze in Europe though - anything below 70 feels cold to me now and I have to put on a long sleeve shirt...I know you feel really bad for me - right? This picture is from a night out on the town with my friend Sophia. She is a super sweet girl from Denver, CO who is in most of my classes. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe to see a local Raggae band - SUPER fun=)