The Stayton of Mind

A deeply spiritual experience

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Our Team. Our Town.

I GOT A NEW JOB! It is official! I met with Senator Kohl on Friday and was officially offered a position with The Milwaukee Bucks in their Corporate Sales and Marketing Division. I can now lay down that stress just in time of the Holidays - YIPPIE!!! Better believe I am going to stuff myself extra full today in celebration (not to mention I have 2 Thanksgiving dinners to attend). My first official day will be the 13th of December and I get to go to the Holiday party that weekend at Lake Park Bistro with all those affiliated with the team. In addition I will be able to attend all games (sometimes I will be working at them, but other times I will be just enjoying the fun!) YIPPIE! I am employed! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 15, 2004

Back to the Drawing Board

Well, the positive things are that I loved Northwestern's campus and the IMC program for a Masters. The downfalls are that they do not provide any fellowships for the Masters program and the PhD is more research than teaching focused..."research needs to be in your heart" What about teaching being in your heart...isn't that what professors are supposed to do? Maybe that is what is wrong with our higher educational system...most of the professors are so self absorbed with their research that they forget to pass on their knowledge do their students!!! AHHHH!!!!

So, it is back to the drawing board. I may still apply to Northwestern, but I need to find other options...especially because they only admit about 25 out of 600 applicants a year...7 of them with the marketing specialization I am interested in - and most of those admitted are in the 90% or above with their GRE scores - right, right! Yeah, well, I will keep you all posted of any updates!

Cross your fingers and put in a prayer for me...I am starting to get frustrated my my current state of affairs!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Hi-Ho Hi-Ho Its off to Northwestern I go

Well, as my search for the perfect grad school continues I have decided to visit the lovely campus of Northwestern on Friday for an informational seminar on their IMC graduate program and their business PhD! Hopefully I will get some useful answers (and ones I want to hear as well - especially regarding finances) Keep your fingers crossed and put in a prayer. I will keep you all posted as the search continues!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Congratulations to Penny and El

Last night I went to one of the most emotionally charged, God-centered, wedding ceremonies and receptions I have ever attended! You could feel the love radiating off the couple and I was brought to tears more than once. (Some may say this is due to the obscene number of weddings I have attended this year, but I beg to differ!!!) I can only hope that everyone finds as perfect for them as Ellery and Penny are for eachother!

The sisters of Gamma Phi represented in full strength as did a number of other UWSP alum and we danced the night away (even "Gamma Phi-ing Penny at one point!), caught up, remenissed on "old times" and shared in the joy of the day.

I would like to send a big shout out to Joe Klug for surprising me with a fabulous and fun date for the evening and to Tony for being such a great date despite not knowing many people at the event=)

So, with this phenominal ceremony I bid farewell to my wedding circuit tour of 2004. Time to re-charge (and re-save) for 2005!!!

If you would like to see pics of the fun times go to

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Search Continues

Well, ladies and gents, I am no further along in the job search than I was the last time I depressing is that?!? Still waiting to hear from Columbus ( and The Milwaukee Bucks ( I got turned down for a job at UWM that I was REALLY interested in...guess it is cause I don't have my master's degree. Since when is that a requirement for almost every job that peaks my interest. Guess it is time to go back to school. Good thing I am working on applications - not 100% sure where I want to go yet. I am hoping one day everything just falls into place - that the clouds will part and light will shine over me and I will smile and dance as I bask in the warmth and comfort of the knowledge that envelopes me and everything will be at peace in the world. Alright, a bit over the top, but it would still be nice right?!?