The Stayton of Mind

A deeply spiritual experience

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

House-warming Pool Party!

This past weekend my crazy friends Lisa and Rodney threw a BBQ Bash/Pool Party at their new was the perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon - in the sun, with friends, good food, great tunes! In fact, the iPod was bumpin' through a Milwaukee radio...check it out!!! A piece of home in Hawaii=)

The ladies and I got a little carried away with the cupcakes

And started bouncin' off the walls - well, actually jumping in the pool=) Afterward we got dried off and changed so Colleen and I could cruise to the University Hawaii v. BYU Men's volleyball game with Bill and Rhonee.

It was my first time at a volleyball game (besides the intramural or pick-up games at the beach) and we sat courtside...literally! We were sitting across from the media and scorekeepers in a lit booth. UH won in the 5th game, but it was close! We were so close to the players that the next day, while I was on the beach studying, I ran into, and immediately recognized, 2 of the BYU players. We chatted for a bit and then I went on my merry way to continue my Communication Law reading (I find that class SO interesting - honestly!!!)

Back in Black

Well, the Swedes were up to it again and this time the theme was "Back in Black." We gathered up the posse and headed to the club for the festivities. It was a much needed night out on the town and amazingly the whole gang was there! We were the first out on the dance floor and pretty much didn't leave the entire night.

That is of course until the night took a bit of a turn for the worst and my purse got stolen. I set it down for a second as I was being swung around the dance floor and about a minute late when I went to grab it, it was GONE...keys, wallet, camera, cell phone (which is what I was most obsessed about because, contrary to popular belief, I do not have all of your numbers memorized!) Anyway, the DJ made an announcement, but because the theme of the party was "Back in Black," describing my purse as black did little to help my cause - every girl had a black purse! Grrr...

Well, karma came back around and smiled on me because as I was walking down the steps from the DJ booth I happen to glance down and see a girl casually holding nothing other than, MY PURSE!!! I grabbed it off her shoulder and snapped, "This is MY purse, what are YOU doing with MY purse?!?" Then, to my amazement she blankly stared at me, said nothing, and shrugged her shoulders like, "Huh, you busted me, oh well!" In retrospect it was probably the best thing she could have done because all I just walked away bewildered and grateful - strange!

Here Colleen and I are trying to hear some people who were trying to meet up with us, but it was too loud - thanks for the documentation Colleen!!!

Colleen's Kumquat Obsession

So, as most of you already know, my roommate Colleen is a bit of a spaz - which makes life in the apartment fun and keeps things interesting. Recently, on a trip to the local market, she discovered the small, citrus fruit known as a kumquat and has been obsessed ever since. She finds ways to use it in a sentence and has them sitting out for anyone that walks through our door to try! I personally think they taste like a Sourpatch kid or one of those Atomic Warhead Sour candy-things we used to eat when we were younger...why did we do that again?!? Anyway, next time you are at the grocery store, check out a kumquat in honor of Colleen! Be ready to pucker up...just look what happened to Michelle when she was enticed to try one...

Silly Quiz

So, here I am wasting some time before I go out to dinner - can't be too early! And I naviagated my way to a silly quiz site...thought you all might get a kick out of the results! Well, my dinner awaits! Enjoy=)

Your Seduction Style: Au Natural

You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.

You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

As most of your have probably heard it is still raining here. This is the 41st consecutive day of rain the island has had and the number of days and quantity of rain is breaking records...the island has not experienced weather like this since 1917! So much for Spring Break in paradise! Today was the worst I have seen it - the streets were literally rivers! Some water levels were up to your knees! I was walking home when the rain started and a bus driver was kind enough to pick me up even though I was not at a stop...thank goodness because the road I was going to walk home down was flooded up to the tops of the tires on the parked cars!!! I had never seen anything like it before and I wish I would have had my camera to share some of the images with all of you.

I have still been getting out despite the weather. In fact, I went running the other day in the rain and it felt GREAT! (I couldn't stand being cooped up in the gym anymore). The worst part however is that the beaches near my house are closed due to poor water conditions (sounds a bit like Lake Michigan and not the tropical waters of Hawaii!!!) So, that means no surfing=( The weather man says that there should be a break in the rain this week...

Despite all of my complaining, I can honestly say that I really I haven't minded--the rain has given me the opportunity to REALLY relax, which most of your know I don't often do, and reflect. It has been very personally cleansing.